October 22, 2016



Machine Learning

We work closely with two other firms specialized in Machine Learning methods. Thanks to our close collaboration, we are able to bring extensive man and brain power, and diversify our Data Science work with innovative techniques. We can help you assess what mathematical & AI tools best fit your needs, regardless of the industry, and then accompany you in implementing some of these methods, and develop efficient & attractive web based tools to manage them.

Hadrian Advisors (FR)

They are specialized in Data Science applied to Financial Markets (predictive models), Insurance (fraud detection):

Aware Technologies (Canada)

They offer unique MLaaS (Machine Learning as a Service) infrastructure and know-how, with very high end supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques:



Mathematical Modelling and Financial Derivatives

Zeliade (FR)

We have a long standing partnership with Zeliade, a Paris based research and development financial software firm.

Made up of leading mathematicians, they provide one of the very few standalone C# / .Net financial derivatives pricing and risk management library which integrates with your .Net based Position Keeping Tool, or pricing and risk management tool:
